Over 150 interview questions for Ethereum Developers

Over 150 interview questions for Ethereum Developers All of these questions can be answered in three sentences or less. Easy What is the difference between private, internal, public, and external functions? Approximately, how large can a smart contract be? What is the difference between create and create2? What major change with arithmetic happened with Solidity […]

A bootcamp with a job guarantee is a bad idea

A bootcamp with a job guarantee is a bad idea Because the word “bootcamp” appears on some of our pages, we occasionally get asked if we have a job guarantee. We do not. Here are six reasons why we think job guarantees are a bad thing. 1. Companies insert “gotcha” clauses to make the guarantee […]

Mastering Solidity: Master the Computer Science Fundamentals First

Mastering Solidity: Master the Computer Science Fundamentals First I hate computer science! I’ll spare you the traditional arguments for why you should study and practice what is considered “the fundamentals.” I know, the relationship between reversing a LinkedList and writing a secure and gas-efficient smart contract seems non-existent. You’ve probably never needed to implement an […]

Leetcode problems and questions – the best 50

Leetcode problems and questions – the best 50 Whether web2 or web3, doing well on data structure, algorithm, and leetcode questions is important, not only for getting a job but developing a good foundation in computer science. Many developers know they should be practicing leetcode (or alternatively, hackerrank, codecademy, or codewars), but if you haven’t […]

The Solidity Engineer Salary is a Myth

The Solidity Engineer Salary is a Myth Is gold in your future if you study blockchain? There is no shortcut to a high solidity developer salary This might sound funny coming from a blockchain bootcamp, but it’s true. It’s not that you can’t improve your blockchain engineer salary. You absolutely can. But the problem is, […]

Blockchain – Top Web3 Job List

Blockchain – Top Web3 Job List Blockchain job rankings All industries have a tier list or implied ranking. It’s usually unspoken, but it’s a real thing that should inform your strategy for getting a job as a blockchain engineer or smart contract engineer. Blockchain developer jobs: At RareSkills, we get a lot of questions about […]

The blockchain shortage of developers is not real.

The blockchain shortage of developers is not real. Photo by markuswinkler (https://unsplash.com/@markuswinkler) It’s hard to read news about developers and not get the impression there is a shortage of talent. Makes sense right? Companies wouldn’t pay someone $100,000 per year if they could easily fill the job role with someone cheaper. But there is no […]

Learn Solidity: Easy to Learn, Hard to Master?

Learn Solidity: Easy to Learn, Hard to Master? Is solidity hard to learn? Learning solidity as a language is arguably one of the easier languages to learn. However, learning the Ethereum environment is hard. It looks very similar to javascript, or pretty much any curly bracket language derived from C. If statements, for loops, class […]