Decoration Decoration

DeFi Bootcamp

The fastest way to become skilled at something is to practice it directly and get quality feedback — that is the focus of this bootcamp.
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This eight week Defi bootcamp course is a follow up to our advanced solidity bootcamp. You need to take that before taking this one.

Like the solidity course, there is a strong emphasize on comprehensive top-to-bottom understanding.

Rather than cover several DeFi protocols at a surface level, we will deeply study only a few foundational protocols so that you will be comfortable tackling any protocol in the future of your choosing.

Course Structure


One of the goals of this course is to get you comfortable with reading DeFi whitepapers directly.

The temptation can be to search for nicely created explanations as a proxy, but this won’t help you become an expert in the topic. Reading dense papers is a skill you will learn in this course.


To ensure you are learning well, each whitepaper will be accompanied by a quiz and a suggested method of study.


And of course, you will write code that interfaces with these protocols so you get a hands-on tuition for how they work.


Duration: 2 Months

Week 1-2 Oracles, MEV, and Frontrunning

DeFi Overview, Chainlink Oracles, MEV and frontrunning, forking the mainnet, and simulating transactions in Tenderly. We will study the chainlink whitepaper in depth and integrate smart contracts with chainlink pricefeed oracles. We will also deploy smart contracts on the mainnet and see front-running in action, and develop methodologies to mitigate it. You will go through the source code of chainlink to see the relationship between the proposal in the whitepaper and what is actually deployed.

Week 3 - 4 Lending Protocols: Theory and application

We will learn (hands on) the lending protocols of Aave and Compound. DAI will also be covered as it behaves like a lending protcol and uses many of the same assumptions and primitives. You will build a smart contract that allocates capital based off of current lending rates.

Week 5 - 6 AMMs (Automated Market Makers): Theory and Application

We will study two of the major automated market makers, Uniswap and Curve. We will conduct hacking exercises that enforce AMM concepts and build smart contracts that integrate with these.

Week 7 - 8 Chose your protocol

Now that you are comfortable teaching yourself about a protcol from the ground up, pick one that you are interested in learning about!


You should be familiar with the following before starting

RareSkills Solidity Bootcamp

Being able to program in Python or another language for financial simulation

You should purchase the books DeFi and the Future of Finance and How to DeFi, Advanced as these will be reading materials for this course.


How much time will this take?

Although mathematicians often use unnecessarily complex vocabulary to describe simple concepts, we opt to use their lingo because it will help you study the literature on your own later. You\`ll get used to it pretty quickly.

I didn't take the core solidity bootcamp, can I sign up for this one?

Please read our article Elementary Set Theory and Abstract Algebra for Programmers and do the exercises in it.

Will you be covering DeFi Hacks?

No. If you are just looking to casually understand the subject, check out our blog topics tagged zero knowledge proof. This course is intended for serious learners who are not satisfied with going halfway.


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