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Where engineers at top blockchain companies study

RareSkills is the premier education community that services engineers as advanced as protocol leads. As the engineering graduate school of web3, we've helped dozens of professional solidity and blockchain engineers push themselves to learn even more than what they do on the job.

Our students come from

Filling Knowledge Gaps
with Evergreen Foundations

RareSkills is not just about teaching; we're about building knowledge that lasts. We focus on the principles and problem-solving skills that underpin blockchain technology, instead of fleeting tools and frameworks. We're here to save you time, correct your mistakes, and ensure your learning journey is as thorough as possible.

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Advanced Solidity




$1,400 x 5




22 Weeks

18-24 Hours/Week

This is the longest and hardest solidity training program you will find. Cover your knowledge gaps and pick up where most courses leave off. Learn and practice advanced testing strategies, EVM assembly, gas optimization, design patterns, applied cryptography, and more. You will practice security problems not seen elsewhere.

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Zero Knowledge
Proof Bootcamp




$1,800 x 2




8 Weeks

10-15 Hours/Week

Although the mathematics behind zero knowledge is intimidating, our novel way of teaching it makes it understandable. We will cover enough math so that you can understand the motivation behind the oddities of the languages you’ll use, but not so much that you get lost in theory before doing something practical. We will study circuit design in Circom, and use higher level languages like Zokrates and Noir. Security vulnerabilities specific to zero knowledge proofs will also be covered.

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Circom Bootcamp




$1,800 x 2




7 Weeks

5-10 Hours/Week

Learn circuit programming for ZK through the Circom language. This course teaches how ZK-VMs work and how to prove we know the preimage of a hash without revealing it.

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Dapp Bootcamp




$1,500 x 2




8 Weeks

18-24 Hours/Week

If you are looking to enter web3 for the first time, this is the bootcamp to take. This is an eight-week introduction to decentralized app (dapp) development on Ethereum.

Rated the Best

Course report
Career Karma

Make the Rare Choice, Choose RareSkills.

Expert Instructors with Weekly Live Classes

Our instructors are industry experts with extensive experience in smart contract development and auditing. They are dedicated to helping you succeed through one-on-one mentorship, code reviews, and weekly live office hours. And benefits from their extensive experience and passion for teaching while engaging in interactive, real-time sessions.

Jeff Scholz

Jeffrey Scholz

Founder | Lead Instructor

Jeffrey is the instructor of the only two expert-level Ethereum development courses on Udemy, both of which are bestsellers.


Jesper Kristensen

Instructor | Co-Founder | Author of Top 3 Web3 FinTech Book on Amazon

Jesper is the co-founder of Panoptic, a DeFi options protocol that raised $4.5M during the bear market of 2022. He has a Ph.D. and M.S. in Applied and Engineering Physics and Computer Science from Cornell University.




Gonçalo Magalhães (gmhacker) is an aerospace engineer working as a smart contract security researcher. He's currently at Immunefi leading smart contract and R&D endeavours.

Jeff Scholz

Jeffrey Scholz

Founder | Lead Instructor

Jeffrey is the instructor of the only two expert-level Ethereum development courses on Udemy, both of which are bestsellers.

Exceptional Outcomes with RareSkills

Become a Confident, Knowledgeable Blockchain Developer

Our focus at RareSkills extends beyond just career advancement. We aim for every student to demystify Ethereum and smart contracts, eliminating knowledge gaps that can hamper your growth. With us, you'll achieve a comprehensive understanding of the blockchain execution environment, granting you peace of mind in your development skills.

Small Cohort Sizes

Experience a close-knit learning environment with just five students per cohort, fostering better relationships with instructors and more personalized attention.

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Weekly Live Classes

Attend interactive, real-time classes with our expert instructors, providing valuable insights and guidance throughout your learning journey.

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1-on-1 Code Reviews

Receive 1-on-1 feedback on your work, helping you identify and address knowledge gaps while improving your coding skills.

How our Community Works

You are who you hang out with. Not only does RareSkills give you a curriculum that has been refined many times over, you get motivated peers and powerful industry connections. We only admit students who take learning as seriously as you do, and have the track record to prove it.

Curated Students

All students must pass an entrance exam. Applicants include web3 founders, professional solidity developers, even instructors at other web3 bootcamps!

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Success Stories from Our Alumni

Our students, from web3 technical founders to lead solidity developers, have seen tremendous success after completing our bootcamps. With over 8 figures of funding collectively raised by our alumni for their technical web3 startups, their achievements stand testament to the quality of our programs.

"Despite having five years of experience in Blockchain, I learned a great deal from it."

We identified and addressed security issues that could potentially occur in smart contracts, making the program all the more practical and relevant.

Adam Boudjemaa
Lead Blockchain Developer | Co-Authored ERC-3643 Standard | Built & Deployed 300+ Smart Contracts 


Which course should I take?

If you are completely new to blockchain development, apply to the Dapp Bootcamp.

If you have at least six months of experience with Solidity and have built several Solidity projects already, apply to the Advanced Solidity Bootcamp. Please note that the majority of the students who take the course have a year of professional Solidity development experience, so if you have not done Solidity professionally, you may find it challenging.

The Zero Knowledge Bootcamp can be taken by anyone with enough mathematical background, but tech leads and protocol leads in web3 will benefit the most from it. It will help if you already understand digital signatures, basic linear algebra, and understand the Ethereum precompiles.

Who will teach the course?

Currently, Shung, Gmhacker, and Jesper Kristensen are teaching the Advanced Solidity Bootcamp. Jeffrey Scholz teaches the Zero Knowledge Bootcamp.

Do I have to apply right before my intended start date?


We've had students apply five months before they want to start the cohort.

For example, if you are busy for the next three months and know you want to start four months from now, it's best to apply now.

If you apply too close to the cohort start date, you might have to wait for the next cohort.

The Advanced Solidity Bootcamp and Zero Knowledge Bootcamp are run every month, and the Dapp Bootcamp usually runs every other month.

Where can I find the curriculum?

Unlike other bootcamps, most of our curriculum is public and open source!

The zero-knowledge Bootcamp is based on the zk book. Please see the resources on our homepage and our blog for the Advanced Solidity content.

The goal of our Bootcamps is not merely to give you high-quality, well-explained materials -- our blogs already do that for free. In the bootcamps, the instructors will actively challenge your understanding of the topic to ensure you truly understand it and can apply the right techniques quickly.

Who is this for?

This is for programmers who are new to Web3 and want a cohort based introduction to smart contract programming.

What is different between this and the Solidity bootcamp?

This bootcamp is for people entering Web3 for the first time. The Solidity bootcamp is for engineers who already have web3 experience.

Is there career placement for this bootcamp?

No. You won't be competitive with applicants who have completed the more advanced Solidity bootcamp. If you really want to work in Web3, you need to complete our bootcamp. We actively help members of that bootcamp find jobs.

Is it online or in person?

Everything is 100% online at RareSkills.

How much time per week?

We estimate it will take most students 25 hours to complete each week of work.

Do I have to take this bootcamp before taking the Solidity bootcamp?

It depends on how new you are to Web3. If you are an exceptional programmer and want to skip this bootcamp, we will ask you to complete the assignments from this bootcamp on your own to prove you have the ability to handle the rapid pace of the Solidity bootcamp.

If I complete this bootcamp, will I be automatically accepted to the Solidity bootcamp?

It will depend on how well you do in this bootcamp. Our Solidity bootcamp is exceptionally challenging. If you have a difficult time in this bootcamp, you will be more likely to succeed in the Solidity bootcamp if you take some time on your own to work on some web3 projects on your own.

What is the structure?

There are two office hours held throughout the week. The first is where we introduce the next week's topic, and the second there will be group code reviews. Unlike our Solidity bootcamp, one-on-one code reviews are not part of this course.

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