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Learn from the leading Web3 developer education company

Technical Writing Bootcamp

The fastest way to become skilled at something is to practice it directly and
get quality feedback — that is the focus of this bootcamp.

Next Cohort: TBC

Learn to write like RareSkiIIs

There are very few reading materials and no videos to watch. The best way to become good at writing is to write — not to read about writing.

Our classes are sessions where the instructors give feedback on the student's work.
The instructors do not give lectures about how to write.

Each class is limited to 4 students.

Live classes meet once a week, but you will also receive feedback asynchronously from one of the
teaching assistants.


Before class starts, you must finish your first draft.

You will get your first feedback on it in class. Please implement the feedback within 3 days because a TA will do another round of review asynchronously.

There will be a total of four classes and four rounds of feedback from a TA.


​You should have at least 2 years of professional coding experience. You should be familiar with markdown. Please have a (free) account with Notion.

If admitted, you must prepare the first draft of what you will write before the first class.

Your work will receive feedback in front of 3 other students, so make sure you are comfortable with that before joining.

​If you are prone to get defensive when receiving constructive criticism, this course is not a good fit for you.

Your Instructor

Jeffrey Scholz

Founder | Lead Instructor

Jeffrey is the instructor of the only two
expert-level Ethereum development
courses on Udemy, both of which are
bestsellers. His blog on Ethereum
development has significantly influenced
major projects in the web3 space.


Course Fee


Pay Monthly  :

$1,400 per month x 2

4 x Weeks Lectures

Tailored Homework

Access to the RareSkills Slack and Discord Community (Lifetime access)

Save 2% if you pay with USDC or USDT


When will I see results in my writing?

For people with no technical writing experience, we usually see they need at least dedicated three months to achieve passable level of writing skills. It takes a year of consistent writing to become proficient.

Can I use this class to get help with writing things for my job?

As long as your employer approves, yes.

Are the sessions recorded if I miss them?

Yes, but you should not miss the sessions. These are essential to you getting feedback.

What topics am I allowed to write on?

These must be technical, with programmers as the target audience. For now, we require the topics to be within the scope of Web3 technical writing.

How much time should I allocate?

Writing is deep work. We suggest allocating quality hours when your brain is at full capacity. If you are new to writing, it may take 4 hours daily. If you are intermediate at writing, allocate 2 hours a day.

Do you teach SEO or distribution tricks?

Not specifically. We will help you avoid basic mistakes and ensure the essentials are in place, but this is not an SEO course. Your goal should be to write something that makes readers love your brand, not something that temporarily tricks recommendation algorithms.

Doesn't AI make technical writing a useless skill?

No. If you use the same chatbot as everyone else, you will get the same results as everyone else. Al writers usually regurgitate articles they have read previously. They are not capable of providing fresh insights or putting themselves in the reader's shoes. They can be a useful alternative to digging through bad documentation to create functioning code however.

Do you have any resources for technical writing?

Use this technical writing checklist to get started.

Refund Policy?

You may request a full refund 1 week into the program.

Missed Classes?

Because classes are essential to this program, we expect students to attend all of them. If a student misses class for circumstances beyond their control and gives us sufficient notice, we will provide up to one make-up class. When you enroll, please understand that nearly all the benefits are from the live classes where you get feedback and see feedback provided to other articles. You should not miss these classes.

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