Delegatecall: The Detailed and Animated Guide

This article explains how delegatecall works in detail. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) offers four opcodes for making calls between contracts:

  • CALL (F1)
  • and DELEGATECALL (F4).

Notably, the CALLCODE opcode has been deprecated since Solidity v5, being replaced by DELEGATECALL. These opcodes have a direct implementation in Solidity and can be executed as methods of variables of type address.

To gain a better understanding of how delegatecall works, let’s first review the functionality of the CALL opcode.


To demonstrate call consider the following contract:

contract Called {
    uint public number;

    function increment() public {

The most direct way to execute the increment() function from another contract is by utilizing the Called contract interface. In this recipe, we can execute the function with a statement as simple as called.increment() where called is the address of Called. But calling increment() can also be achieved using a low-level call as show in the contract below:

contract Caller {

    address constant public calledAddress = 0xd9145CCE52D386f254917e481eB44e9943F39138; // Called's address

    function callIncrement() public {"increment()"));

Every variable of type address, such as the calledAddress variable, has a method named call. This method expects as the parameter the input data to be executed in the transaction, that is, ABI encoded calldata. In the case mentioned above, the input data must correspond to the signature of the increment() function, with function selector 0xd09de08a. We employ the abi.encodeWithSignature method to generate this signature from the function definition.

If you execute the callIncrement function in the Caller contract, you will observe that the state variable number in Called will increment by 1. The call method does not verify whether the destination address actually corresponds to an existing contract, neither if it contains the specified function.

The call transaction is visualized in the video below:

Call returns a tuple

The call method returns a tuple with two values. The first value is a boolean indicating the success or failure of the transaction. The second value, of type bytes, holds the return value of the function executed by the call, ABI-encoded, if any.

To retrieve the call return, we can modify the callIncrement function as follows:

function callIncrement() public {
    (bool success, bytes memory data) =

The call method never reverts. If the transaction isn’t successful, success will be false, and the programmer needs to handle this accordingly.

Handling Call Failures

Let’s modify the contract above to include another call to a non-existent function, as shown below.

contract Caller {
    address public constant calledAddress = 0xd9145CCE52D386f254917e481eB44e9943F39138;

    function callIncrement() public {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) =

        if (!success) {
            revert("Something went wrong");
        // calls a non-existent function
    function callWrong() public {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) =

        if (!success) {
            revert("Something went wrong");

I intentionally created two functions: one with the correct increment function signature and another with an invalid signature. The first function will return true for success, while the second will return false. The return boolean is explicitly handled, and the transaction will revert if success is false.

We must be careful to track if the call succeeded or not, and we’ll revisit this issue shortly.

What the EVM does under the hood

The purpose of the increment function is to increment the state variable called number. Since the EVM does not have knowledge of state variables but operates on storage slots, what the function actually does is to increase the value in the first slot of the storage, known as slot 0. This operation occurs within the storage of the Called contract.

caller contract using the call function to a called contract

Having reviewed how to use the call method will help us form an idea about how to use delegatecall.


A contract that makes a delegatecall to a target smart contract executes the logic of the target contract inside its own environment.

One mental model is that it copies the code of the target smart contract and runs that code itself. The targeted smart contract is commonly referred to as the “implementation contract”.

Just like call, delegatecall also has the input data to be executed by the target contract as a parameter.

Here is the code for the Called contract, corresponding to the animation above, which runs in the Caller‘s environment:

contract Called {
    uint public number;

    function increment() public {

And the code for Caller

contract Caller {
    uint public number;

    function callIncrement(address _calledAddress) public {

This delegatecall will execute the increment function; however, the execution will occur with a crucial difference. The Caller contract’s storage will be modified, NOT the Called storage. It’s as if the Caller contract borrowed Called code to execute in its own context.

The diagram below further illustrates how delegatecall modifies the Caller‘s storage rather than the Called‘s.

caller contract using the call function to a called contract

The image below illustrates the distinction between executing the increment function using call and delegatecall.

The distinction between executing the increment function using call and delegatecall.

Storage slot collision

The contract issuing a delegatecall must be extremely careful to predict which of its storage slots will get modified. The previous example worked perfectly because Caller didn’t use the state variable in slot 0. A common bug when using delegatecall is forgetting this fact. Let’s see an example of this.

contract Called {
    uint public number;

    function increment() public {

contract Caller {
        // there is a new storage variable here
    address public calledAddress = 0xd9145CCE52D386f254917e481eB44e9943F39138;

    uint public myNumber;

    function callIncrement() public {        


Note that in the updated contract above, the content of slot 0 is the address of the Called contract, while the myNumber variable is now stored in slot 1.

If you deploy the provided contracts and execute the callIncrement function, slot 0 of the Caller storage will be incremented, but the calledAddress variable is there, not the myNumber variable.

The following video illustrates this bug:

Let’s illustrate what happened below.

storage slot of the caller when using delegatecall()

Therefore, caution must be exercised when using delegatecall, as it can inadvertently break our contract. In the example above, it is likely not the programmer’s intention to alter the calledAddress variable through the callIncrement function.

Let’s make a small change to Caller by moving the state variable myNumber to slot 0.

contract Caller {

    uint public myNumber;

    address public calledAddress = 0xd9145CCE52D386f254917e481eB44e9943F39138;

    function callIncrement() public {

Now, when executing the callIncrement function, the myNumber variable will be incremented, as this is the purpose of the increment function. I purposely chose the name of the variable in Caller differently from that in Called to demonstrate that the name of the variable doesn’t matter; what is fundamental is which slot it is in. Aligning the state variables of both contracts is crucial for the proper functioning of delegatecall.

Decouple implementation from data

One of the most important uses of delegatecall is to decouple the contract where the data is stored, such as Caller in this case, from the contract where the execution logic resides, such as Called. Therefore, if one wishes to alter the execution logic, one can simply replace Called with another contract and update the reference to the implementation contract, without touching the storage. Caller is no longer constrained by the functions it has, it can delegatecall the functions it needs from other contracts.

In case there is a need to change the execution logic, for example, subtracting the value of myNumber by 1 unit instead of adding it, you can create a new implementation contract, as shown below.

contract NewCalled {

    uint public number;

    function increment() public {
        number = number - 1;

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to change the name of the function that will be called, as doing so would alter its signature.

After creating the new implementation contract, NewCalled, one can simply deploy this new contract and change the calledAddress state variable in Caller. Of course, Caller would need to have a mechanism to change the address it is issuing the delegateCall to, which we did not include to keep the code concise.

We have successfully modified the business logic utilized by the Caller contract. Separating data from execution logic allows us to create upgradable smart contracts in Solidity.

delegtecall() allows a contract to separate data and business logic

In the image above, the contract on the left handles both the data and the logic. On the right, the top contract holds the data, but the mechanism to update the data is held in the logic contract. To update the data, a delegatecall is made to the logic contract.

Handling delegatecall returns

Just like call, delegatecall also returns a tuple containing two values: a boolean indicating the success of the execution and the return of the function executed via delegatecall, in bytes. To see how to handle this return, let’s write a new example.

contract Called {
    function calculateDiscountPrice(
        uint256 amount, 
        uint256 discountRate
    ) public pure returns (uint) {
        return amount - (amount * _discountRate)/100;

contract Caller {
    uint public price = 200;
    uint public discountRate = 10;
    address public called;

    function setCalled(address _called) public {
        called = _called;

    function setDiscountPrice() public  {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = called.delegatecall(

        if (success) {
            uint newPrice = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
            price = newPrice;

The Called contract contains logic to calculate a discount price. We utilize this logic by executing the calculateDiscountPrice function via delegatecall. This function returns a value, which we must decode using abi.decode. Before making any decisions based on this return value, it’s crucial to check whether the function was executed successfully, otherwise we might try to parse a return that isn’t there or end up parsing a revert reason string.

When call and delegatecall return false

A crucial point to understand is when the success value will be true or false. Essentially, it depends on whether the function being executed will revert or not. There are three ways an execution can revert:

  • if it encounters a REVERT opcode,
  • if it runs out of gas,
  • if it attempts something prohibited, such as dividing by zero.

If the function being executed via delegatecall (or call) encounters any of these conditions, it will revert, and the return value of the delegatecall will be false

A question that often confuses developers is why a delegatecall for a non-existent contract doesn’t revert and still reports that the execution was successful. Based on what we said, an empty address will never meet one of the three conditions for reverting, so it will never revert.

Another example of storage variable gotchas

Let’s make slight modification to the code above to give another example of bugs related to the storage layout.

The Caller contract still invokes an implementation contract via delegatecall, but now the Called contract reads a value from a state variable. This might seem like a minor alteration, but it actually leads to disaster. Can you figure out why?

contract Called {
    uint public discountRate = 20;

    function calculateDiscountPrice(uint256 amount) public pure returns (uint) {
        return amount - (amount * discountRate)/100;

contract Caller {
    uint public price = 200;
    address public called;
    function setCalled(address _called) public {
        called = _called;
    function setDiscount() public  {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) =called.delegatecall(

        if (success) {
            uint newPrice = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
            price = newPrice;

The problem arises because calculateDiscountPrice is reading a state variable, specifically the one in slot 0. Remember that in delegatecall, functions are executed in the storage of the calling contract. In other words, you may think you are using the discountRate variable from the Called contract to calculate the new price, but you are actually using the price variable from the Caller contract! The storage variables Called.discountRate and Called.price occupy slot 0.

You will receive a 200% discount, which is quite substantial (and will cause the function to revert, since the new calculated price will become negative, which is not allowed for a uint type variable).

Immutable and Constant Variables in delegatecall: A Bug Story

Another tricky issue with delegatecall arises when immutable or constant variables are involved. Let’s examine an example that many experienced Solidity programmers misunderstand:

contract Caller {
    uint256 private immutable a = 3;
    function getValueDelegate(address called) public pure returns (uint256) {
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = called.delegatecall(
        return abi.decode(data, (uint256)); // is this 3 or 2?

contract Called {
    uint256 private immutable a = 2;

    function getValue() public pure returns (uint256) {
        return a;

The question is: when executing getValueDelegate, will the return be 2 or 3? Let’s reason about it.

  • The getValueDelegate function executes the getValue function, which supposedly returns the value corresponding to the state variable in slot 0.
  • Since it’s delegatecall, we should examine the slot in the calling contract, not the called contract.
  • The value of variable a in Caller is 3, so the response must be 3. Nailed it.

Surprisingly, the correct answer is 2. WHY?!

Immutable or constant state variables are not true state variables: they do not occupy a slot. When we declare immutable variables, their value is hardcoded in the contract bytecode which is executed during the delegatecall. Thus, the getValue function returns the hardcoded value 2.

msg.sender, msg.value and address(this)

If we use msg.sender, msg.value and address(this) within the Called contract, all these values will correspond to the Caller contract’s msg.sender, msg.value and address(this) values. Let’s remember of how delegatecall operates: everything occurs within the context of the caller contract. The implementation contract merely provides the bytecode to be executed, nothing more.

delegatecall() lends the bytecode of the called contract to the caller contract

Let’s apply this concept in an example. Let’s consider the following code:

contract Called {
    function getInfo() public payable returns (address, uint, address) {
        return (msg.sender, msg.value, address(this));

contract Caller {
    function getDelegatedInfo(
        address _called
    ) public payable returns (address, uint, address) {        
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = _called.delegatecall(
        return abi.decode(data, (address, uint, address));      

In the Called contract, I’m utilizing msg.sender, msg.value and address(this), and returning these values in the getInfo function. In the figure below, an execution of getDelegateInfo using Remix is depicted, displaying the returned values.

  • msg.sender corresponds to the account that executed the transaction, specifically the first Remix default account, which is 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4.
  • msg.value reflects the value of 1 ether, which was sent in the original transaction.
  • address(this) is the address of the Caller contract, as one can see on the left side of the figure, rather than the address of the Called contract.

delegatecall() lends the bytecode of the called contract to the caller contract

In Remix, we display log values for msg.sender (0), msg.value (1) and address(this) (2). and input data in delegatecall

The property returns the calldata of the context being executed. When is called in a function that is being executed directly via a transaction by an EOA, represents the input data of the transaction.

When we execute a call or a delegatecall, we specify as the argument the input data that will be executed in the implementation contract. So the original calldata differs from the calldata within the sub-context created by delegatecall, and consequently will differ.

Image showing that with delegatecall() is different for the caller and called contracts

The code below will be used to demonstrate this.

contract Called {
    function returnMsgData() public pure returns (bytes memory) {

contract Caller {
    function delegateMsgData(
        address _called    
    ) public returns (bytes memory data) {
        (, data) = _called.delegatecall(

The original transaction executes the delegateMsgData function, which requires a parameter of type address. As a result, the input data will consist of the function signature along with an address, ABI-encoded.

The delegateMsgData function, in turn, delegatecalls the returnMsgData function. To accomplish this, the calldata passed to the runtime must contain the signature of returnMsgData. Consequently, the value of inside returnMsgData is its own signature, given by 0x0b1c837f.

In the image below, we can observe that the return of returnMsgData is its own signature, ABI-encoded.

image of the return of returnMsgData is its own signature, ABI-encoded.

The decoded output is the signature of the returnMsgData function, ABI-encoded as bytes.

Codesize as a counterexample

We mentioned that we can conceive of delegatecall with the idea that we are borrowing the bytecode from the implementation contract and executing it in the calling contract. There is one exception to this, the CODESIZE opcode.

Suppose a smart contract has CODESIZE in its bytecode, CODESIZE returns the size of that contract. Codesize does not return the size of the caller’s code during a delegatecall — it returns the size of code that was delegatecalled.

To demonstrate this property, we have provided the code below. In Solidity, CODESIZE can be executed in assembly via the codesize() function. We have two implementation contracts, CalledA and CalledB, which differ only by a local variable (unused in ContractB — that variable is absent in ContractA), intended to ensure that the contracts have different sizes. These contracts are called via delegatecall by the Caller contract’s getSizes function.

// codesize 1103
contract Caller {
    function getSizes(
        address _calledA,
        address _calledB
    ) public returns (uint sizeA, uint sizeB) {
        (, bytes memory dataA) = _calledA.delegatecall(
        (, bytes memory dataB) = _calledB.delegatecall(
        sizeA = abi.decode(dataA, (uint256));
        sizeB = abi.decode(dataB, (uint256));

// codesize 174
contract CalledA {
    function getCodeSize() public pure returns (uint size) {
        assembly {
            size := codesize()

// codesize 180
contract CalledB {
    function getCodeSize() public pure returns (uint size) {
        uint unused = 100;
        assembly {
            size := codesize()

// You can use this contract to check the size of contracts
contract MeasureContractSize {
    function measureConctract(address c) external view returns (uint256 size){
        size = c.code.length;

If the codesize function returned the size of the Caller contract, the values returned from getSizes() by delegate calling ContractA and ContractB would be the same. That is, they would be the size of Caller, which is 1103. However, as we can see in the figure below, the values are different, explicitly indicating that these are the sizes of CalledA and CalledB.

Code size output CalledA and CalledB contract

Delegatecall a delegatecall

One might wonder: What happens if a contract issues a delegatecall to a second contract that issues a delegatecall to a third contract? In such a case, the context will persist as that of the contract that initiated the first delegatecall, rather than the intermediate contract.

It works as follows:

  • The Caller contract delegatecalls the function logSender() in the CalledFirst contract.
  • This function is intended to emit an event that logs msg.sender.
  • Additionally, the CalledFirst contract, apart from creating this log, also delegatecalls the CalledLast contract.
  • The CalledLast contract also emits an event, which also logs the msg.sender.

A diagram depicting this flow is presented below.

three contracts calling one another sequentially using delegatecall() and logsender()

Remember, all delegatecall does is borrow the bytecode of the delegatecalled contract. One way to visualize this is that the bytecode is temporarily “absorbed” into the calling contract. When we look at it that way, we see msg.sender is always the original msg.sender as everything is happening inside Caller. See the animation below:

Below we provide some source code to test the concept of a delegatecall to a delegatecall:

contract Caller {
    address calledFirst = 0xF27374C91BF602603AC5C9DaCC19BE431E3501cb;
    function delegateCallToFirst() public {

contract CalledFirst {
    event SenderAtCalledFirst(address sender);
    address constant calledLast = 0x1d142a62E2e98474093545D4A3A0f7DB9503B8BD;

    function logSender() public {
        emit SenderAtCalledFirst(msg.sender);

contract CalledLast {
    event SenderAtCalledLast(address sender);
    function logSender() public {
        emit SenderAtCalledLast(msg.sender);

We might be led to think that the msg.sender in CalledLast will be the address of CalledFirst, since it was the one that called CalledLast, but this would not respect our model that the bytecode of the contract called via delegatecall is just borrowed, and that the context is always from the contract that executed the delegatecall.

The end result is that both msg.sender values correspond to the account that initiated the transaction with Caller.delegateCallToFirst(). This can be observed in the figure below, where we execute this process in Remix and capture the logs.

result of msg.sender for both CalledFirst and CalledLas

msg.sender is the same in CalledFirst and CalledLast

One source of confusion is some might describe this operation as “Caller delegatecalls CalledFirst and CalledFirst delegatecalls CalledLast.” But this makes it sound like CalledFirst is doing the delegatecall — that is not the case. CalledFirst is providing the bytecode to Called — and that bytecode is making a delegatecall to CalledLast — from Called.

Call from a delegatecall
Let’s introduce a plot twist and modify the CalledFirst contract. Now, CalledFirst will invoke CalledLast using call, not delegatecall.

three contracts calling one another sequentially using delegatecall() and logsender()

In other words, the CalledFirst contract needs to be updated to the following code:

contract CalledFirst {
    event SenderAtCalledFirst(address sender);
    address constant calledLast = ...;

    function logSender() public {
        emit SenderAtCalledFirst(msg.sender);
        ); // this is new

The question arises: What will be the msg.sender logged in the SenderAtCalledLast event? The following animation illustrates what happens:

the msg.sender output when a contract is being called by another contract using delegatecall().

When Caller calls a function in CalledFirst via delegatecall, that function is executed within the context of Caller. Remember, CalledFirst merely “lends” its bytecode to be executed by Caller. At this point, it’s as if we executed msg.sender in the Caller contract, which means that msg.sender is the address that initiated the transaction.

the msg.sender when comparing to call functions: delegatecall and call

Now, CalledFirst calls CalledLast, but CalledFirst is being used in the context of Caller, so it’s as if Caller made a call to CalledLast. In this case, msg.sender in CalledLast will be the address of Caller.

In the figure below, we observe the logs in Remix. Notice that this time the msg.sender values are different.

Image of the msg.sender values of a contract calling another contract using delegatecall and call

msg.sender in CalledLast is the Caller address

Exercise: If Caller calls CalledFirst and CalledFirst delegatecalls CalledLast, and each contract logs msg.sender, which message sender will each contract log?

Low-level delegatecall

In this section, we’ll utilize delegatecall in YUL to explore its functionality at a deeper level. Functions in YUL closely resemble opcode syntax, making it beneficial to examine the definition of the DELEGATECALL opcode first.

DELEGATECALL takes 6 arguments from the stack, in order: gas, address, argsOffset, argsSize, retOffset and retSize, and returns a value to stack indicating whether the operation was carried out successfully (1) or not (0).

The explanation of each argument is as follows (taken from

  1. gas: amount of gas to send to the sub context to execute. The gas that is not used by the sub context is returned to this one.
  2. address: the account which code to execute.
  3. argsOffset: byte offset in the memory in bytes, the calldata of the sub context.
  4. argsSize: byte size to copy (size of the calldata).
  5. retOffset: byte offset in the memory in bytes, where to store the return data of the sub context.
  6. retSize: byte size to copy (size of the return data).

Sending ether to a contract using delegatecall is not allowed (imagine the potential exploits if it were!). The CALL opcode, on the other hand, permits ether transfer and includes an additional parameter to indicate how much ether should be sent.

In YUL, the delegatecall function mirrors the DELEGATECALL opcode and includes the same 6 arguments mentioned above. Its syntax is:

delegatecall(g, a, in, insize, out, outsize).

Below, we present a contract with two functions that perform the same action, executing a delegatecall. One is written in pure Solidity, and the other incorporates YUL.

contract DelegateYUL {

    function delegateInSolidity(
        address _address
    ) public returns (bytes memory data) {
        (, data) = _address.delegatecall(

    function delegateInYUL(
        address _address
    ) public returns (uint data) {
        assembly {
            mstore(0x00, 0x34ee2172) // Load the calldata I intend to send into memory at 0x00. The first slot will become 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034ee2172
            let result := delegatecall(gas(), _address, 0x1c, 4, 0, 0x20) // The third parameter indicates the starting position in memory where the calldata is located, the fourth parameter specifies its size in bytes, and the fifth parameter specifies where the returned calldata, if any, should be stored in memory
            data := mload(0) // Read delegatecall return from memory

contract Called {
    function sayOne() public pure returns (uint) {
        return 1;

In the delegateInSolidity function, I utilize the delegatecall method in Solidity, passing as a parameter the signature of the sayOne function, calculated using the abi.encodeWithSignature method.

If we don’t know the size of the return in advance, don’t worry, we can use the returndatacopy function later to handle this. In another article, when we delve deeper into writing upgradable contracts using delegatecall, we will cover all these details.

EIP 150 and gas forwarded

A note on an issue regarding forwarded gas: We utilize the gas() function as the first parameter of delegatecall, which returns the available gas. This should indicate that we intend to forward all available gas. However, since the Tangerine Whistle fork, there has been a cap of 63/64 of the total possible gas for forwarding via delegatecall (and other opcodes). In other words, although the gas() function returns all available gas, only 63/64 of it is forwarded to the new subcontext, while 1/64 is retained.


To conclude this article, let’s summarize what we’ve learned. Delegatecall allows for the execution of functions defined in other contracts within the context of the calling contract. The called contract, also known as the implementation contract, merely provides its bytecode, and nothing within it is changed or fetched from its storage.

Delegatecall is employed to separate the contract where the data is stored from the contract where the business logic or function implementation is housed. This forms the foundation of the most used pattern of contract upgradability in Solidity. However, as we have observed, delegatecall must be utilized with great care, as unintentional changes to state variables can occur, potentially rendering the calling contract unusable.

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This article was written by João Paulo Morais in collaboration with RareSkills.

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