The results you will get from this bootcamp will strongly depend on how much effort you put in. If you put in 100% effort on your own, we can help you get 110% learning results by working with us.
We don’t take credit for other people’s work.
That said, here are some:
giraffe0x got a job at Spearbit while at RareSkills (one of the most respected auditing firms in the industry)
JustEmil6 (hacker name honeymewn) placed in the top 10 in a contest on Sherlock on his first attempt.
Sashik placed top 5 in a Code4rena contest while a student at RareSkills.
Darian Chan got a job as a Blockchain security engineer at Coinbase through a connection in the RareSkills community (of course, our training helped also)
Please see our testimonials for more.
Our academy has trained protocol leads, CTOs, technical founders, heads of research, lead auditors — in the field of blockchain. That is, we don’t train a senior engineer at a web2 company and say we’ve trained a senior engineer. We’ve trained senior Solidity developers and higher.
Collectively, our students have raised tens of millions of dollars with over a hundred million dollars in combined valuation.
There are no gimmicks in the brand logos we put on our website or the claims we make about our accomplishments.
The very best in the field still come to RareSkills to level up.
However, getting results in your career and skills is 100% your responsibility.
We only share these examples to demonstrate we know what we are talking about when it comes to getting a job or career progression in the industry. It is a testament to the quality of our program that highly talented and disciplined engineers join RareSkills to add value to their self-study plan.
You do not have to be “top of the industry” to join us. We are not a gate-keeping elite club, and we do not wish to be. We want to accept your application, and if we don’t, we’ll tell you what to do for the next few months so you can become ready to join. But you do need to show you are serious; we cannot force you to put the work in.