Smart Contract Foundry Upgrades with the OpenZeppelin Plugin

Upgrading a smart contract is a multistep and error-prone process, so to minimize the chances of human error, it is desirable to use a tool that automates the procedure as much as possible.

Therefore, the OpenZeppelin Upgrade Plugin streamlines deploying, upgrading and managing smart contracts built with Foundry or Hardhat.

In this article, we’ll learn how to use Upgrade Plugin with Foundry to manage contract upgrades, both locally and on the Sepolia Testnet. We’ll also cover how these plugins safeguard against common upgrade issues.


To get the most out of this guide, the reader should be familiar with:

Upgrades plugin for Foundry

The OpenZeppelin plugin for Foundry is a utility that can be imported into Foundry Solidity scripts or unit tests and can be imported as follows:

import { Upgrades } from "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";

This library exposes functions for deploying proxies, implementation contracts, and other related contracts. In the next section we provide a high level overview of its capabilities, and later show how to write unit tests for upgrades, and create a script that assists with deploying and upgrading smart contracts using this plugin.

Features of the Upgrade Plugins

  • Given a reference to the previous smart contract implementation, the plugin compares the previous implementation to the new one to check for potential problems like storage slot collisions and other issues we will discuss later.
  • The plugins support deploying and upgrading UUPS, Transparent and Beacon Proxy Patterns. It does not support the Diamond Proxy Pattern.
  • When an upgradeable contract is deployed for the first time using this plugin, up to three components are automatically created (depending on which whether the upgrade pattern is UUPS, Transparent, or Beacon Proxy):
    • The implementation contract: This contains the actual logic of the contract.
    • Proxy: If deploying a new proxy, the plugin handles its creation and links it to the specified implementation contract. However, if a proxy already exists, the plugin facilitates the upgrade process by linking the existing proxy to a new implementation.
    • ProxyAdmin: This administrative component manages who can upgrade the proxy exclusively for transparent proxies (only Transparent Upgradeable Proxies us a Proxy Admin).
    • Beacon Proxies: The Beacon Proxy Pattern does not assign individual admin addresses to proxies. Instead, a single beacon has an owner who updates the implementation for all linked proxies. The plugin automates the beacon and proxies’ setup and updates the beacon’s implementation.
  • The plugins are designed to work with both Hardhat and Foundry. While the Hardhat environment keeps a detailed log of deployments, Foundry focuses on the use of reference contracts to ensure the safety of upgrades.

Defining Reference Contracts

Unlike the OpenZeppelin Upgrade plugin for Hardhat, which automatically tracks implementation contracts and their versions via JSON, the Foundry plugin requires developers to explicitly define Reference Contracts.

Consider the NatSpec in the contract below:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @custom:oz-upgrades-from MyContractV1
contract MyContractV2 {


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @custom:oz-upgrades-from contracts/MyContract.sol:MyContractV1
contract MyContractV2 {

The natspec is referring to the reference contract, and it is what the Foundry plugin uses to get a reference to the reference contract.

The reference contract is the contract to be upgraded and serves as the baseline to ensure that the new implementation is compatible with the original’s state and layout.

In general, you can think of the “reference contract” as the “previous implementation.

The validateUpgrade function from the plugin checks that a new implementation contract is compatible with a reference contract. It requires the referenceContract option to be set, or the @custom:oz-upgrades-from <reference> annotation to be present on the new contract.

Details on how the validateUpgrade function from the Upgrades tool is utilized will be discussed later in this guide.

Testing Smart Contract Upgrades Locally in Foundry

We now show the steps to deploy and upgrade a Transparent Upgradeable Proxy locally. Later we will show how to do this on a testnet. Here are the steps we will take at a high level:

  1. Deploy the proxy and implementation ContractA:
    • Deploy ContractA and initialize it.
    • This step automatically sets up ContractA, a TransparentUpgradeableProxy, and a Proxy Admin Contract.
    • ContractA acts as the reference contract for this upgrade process.
  2. Upgrade to ContractB:
    • The tool uses the upgradeAndCall method on the proxy to update the contract to ContractB.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Start by creating a new project directory and initializing Foundry. Open your terminal and execute the following commands:

mkdir rareskills-foundry-upgrades && cd rareskills-foundry-upgrades
forge init

Next, we need to prepare the essential files for the project. These include smart contract files, a test file, and a file for dependency mappings.

Execute the command below to create these files in your project directory:

touch src/ContractA.sol && touch src/ContractB.sol && touch test/Upgrades.t.sol && touch remappings.txt

Step 2: Configure the Project

Once the project is initialized, the next task is to set up the OpenZeppelin libraries necessary for handling upgradeable contracts.

Update the remappings file as follows:

forge remappings > remappings.txt

Run the following commands in the terminal to install the required libraries.

forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable --no-commit
forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades --no-commit

The no-commit flag avoids the hassle of committing the current state of the repo before using the commands above.

Next, we need to ensure that the project knows where to find the OpenZeppelin files. This is done by configuring the remappings.txt file, which we previously created.

Open remappings.txt and insert the following lines:


If OpenZeppelin remappings are already in the remapping.txt file, replace them with the ones above.

Next, delete the test/Counter.t.sol test and src/Counter.sol that are automatically created:

rm test/Counter.t.sol
rm src/Counter.sol

Finally, open foundry.toml and add the following configuration:

src = "src"
out = "out"
libs = ["node_modules", "lib"]
build_info = true
extra_output = ["storageLayout"]
ffi = true
ast = true

Step 3: Create the Upgradeable Contracts

Now we will create two smart contracts, ContractA and ContractB, to demonstrate the upgrade process.

Start with ContractA.sol. This contract contains a single public variable, value, and a method, initialize, which replaces the constructor.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";

contract ContractA is Initializable{
    uint256 public value;

    function initialize(uint256 _setValue) public initializer {
        value = _setValue;

Next, we will create ContractB.sol to show the upgrade path from ContractA.

ContractB extends the functionality of ContractA by adding a method to increment value.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";

/// @custom:oz-upgrades-from ContractA
contract ContractB is Initializable {
    uint256 public value;

    function initialize(uint256 _setValue) public initializer {
        value = _setValue;

    function increaseValue() public {
        value += 10;

By using the @custom:oz-upgrades-from ContractA annotation, we specify that ContractB is the upgraded version of ContractA.

This annotation does not require that ContractA and ContractB be in the same directory. It identifies ContractA by its name, provided it’s uniquely defined within the project, otherwise, a fully qualified name is required.

Without this annotation, the plugin will not proceed and will display an error like the following:

`The contract ${sourceContract.fullyQualifiedName} does not specify what contract it upgrades from. Add the \`@custom:oz-upgrades-from <REFERENCE_CONTRACT>\` annotation to the contract, or include the reference contract name when running the validate command or function.`

Although we are preparing both ContractA and ContractB for this example, this does not mean we need to “anticipate” future upgrades of ContractA. We are simply creating ContractB in advance for convenience purposes of this example.

Step 4: Testing Upgradeable Functionality

This step involves compiling the contracts, deploying them as a Transparent Proxy Pattern, performing an upgrade, and verifying if the contract’s state updates as expected.

Preparing the Test Environment

First, navigate to the test folder and insert the following code into the Upgrades.t.sol file.

This setup tests the upgradeability from ContractA to ContractB.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";
import "../src/ContractA.sol";
import "../src/ContractB.sol";

contract UpgradesTest is Test {
    // future code will go here

The initial test involves two main actions: 1. Deploying ContractA with an initial value using a transparent proxy. 2. Upgrading to ContractB. 3. Lastly, invoking increaseValue to modify the state.

Here’s the code for the test. Please read the comments in the code below to understand the workflow:

function testTransparent() public {
    // Deploy a transparent proxy with ContractA as the implementation and initialize it with 10
    address proxy = Upgrades.deployTransparentProxy(
        abi.encodeCall(ContractA.initialize, (10))

    // Get the instance of the contract
    ContractA instance = ContractA(proxy);

    // Get the implementation address of the proxy
    address implAddrV1 = Upgrades.getImplementationAddress(proxy);

    // Get the admin address of the proxy
    address adminAddr = Upgrades.getAdminAddress(proxy);

    // Ensure the admin address is valid
    assertFalse(adminAddr == address(0));

    // Log the initial value
    console.log("Value before upgrade --> ", instance.value());

    // Verify initial value is as expected
    assertEq(instance.value(), 10);

    // Upgrade the proxy to ContractB
    Upgrades.upgradeProxy(proxy, "ContractB.sol", "", msg.sender);

    // Get the new implementation address after upgrade
    address implAddrV2 = Upgrades.getImplementationAddress(proxy);

    // Verify admin address remains unchanged
    assertEq(Upgrades.getAdminAddress(proxy), adminAddr);

    // Verify implementation address has changed
    assertFalse(implAddrV1 == implAddrV2);

    // Invoke the increaseValue function separately

    // Log and verify the updated value
    console.log("Value after upgrade --> ", instance.value());
    assertEq(instance.value(), 20);

As a summary, the tool is doing the following: – Deploy ContractA via a transparent proxy using Upgrades.deployTransparentProxy("ContractA.sol", msg.sender, abi.encodeCall(ContractA.initialize, (10))); and initialize ContractA with a specific value. – Upgrade the proxy to use ContractB using Upgrades.upgradeProxy(proxy, "ContractB.sol", "", msg.sender); – Verify the updated value and consistency of the admin address post-upgrade.

Executing the Test

To run the tests, enter the following command in your terminal:

forge clean && forge test -vvv --ffi

You’ll see an output similar to the following:

pari@MacBook-Air rareskills-foundry-upgrades % forge clean && forge test --mt testTransparent -vvv
[⠢] Compiling...
[⠊] Compiling 54 files with 0.8.24
[⠆] Solc 0.8.24 finished in 4.94s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/Upgrades.t.sol:UpgradesTest
[PASS] testTransparent() (gas: 1355057)
  Value before upgrade -->  10
  Value after upgrade -->  20

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.43s (1.43s CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.47s (1.43s CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

You may need to run forge cache clean and forge clean before running the test a second time.

An example with a Beacon Proxy

We now demonstrate how to use this plugin with the Beacon Proxy Pattern. We will use the same implementation contracts ContractA and ContractB from the previous example.

Test Overview

  1. Deploy ContractA as the initial implementation for a Beacon.
  2. Create two beacon proxies, each initialized with different values. Remember, in the beacon proxy pattern, multiple proxies point to a single implementation, but they have their own separate state.
  3. Validate the new implementation (ContractB) against the original implementation (ContractA) using the validateUpgrade function.
  4. Upgrade the beacon’s implementation to ContractB, upgrading both proxies simultaneously.
  5. Test new functionalities on both proxies to ensure the upgrade applies the changes as expected.

Add this function to the Upgrades.t.sol file to conduct the test. The comments explain the workflow:

import {IBeacon} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/beacon/IBeacon.sol";
import {Options} from "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";

function testBeacon() public {
    // Deploy a beacon with ContractA as the initial implementation
    address beacon = Upgrades.deployBeacon("ContractA.sol", msg.sender);

    // Get the initial implementation address of the beacon
    address implAddrV1 = IBeacon(beacon).implementation();

    // Deploy the first beacon proxy and initialize it
    address proxy1 = Upgrades.deployBeaconProxy(beacon, abi.encodeCall(ContractA.initialize, 15));
    ContractA instance1 = ContractA(proxy1);

    // Deploy the second beacon proxy and initialize it
    address proxy2 = Upgrades.deployBeaconProxy(beacon, abi.encodeCall(ContractA.initialize, 20));
    ContractA instance2 = ContractA(proxy2);

    // Check if both proxies point to the same beacon
    assertEq(Upgrades.getBeaconAddress(proxy1), beacon);
    assertEq(Upgrades.getBeaconAddress(proxy2), beacon);

    console.log("Value before upgrade in Proxy 1 --> ", instance1.value());
    console.log("Value before upgrade in Proxy 2 --> ", instance2.value());

    // Validate the new implementation before upgrading
    Options memory opts;
    opts.referenceContract = "ContractA.sol";
    Upgrades.validateUpgrade("ContractB.sol", opts);

    // Upgrade the beacon to use ContractB
    Upgrades.upgradeBeacon(beacon, "ContractB.sol", msg.sender);

    // Get the new implementation address of the beacon after upgrade
    address implAddrV2 = IBeacon(beacon).implementation();

    // Activate the increaseValue function in both proxies

    console.log("Value after upgrade in Proxy 1 --> ", instance1.value());
    console.log("Value after upgrade in Proxy 2 --> ", instance2.value());

    // Check if the values have been correctly increased
    assertEq(instance1.value(), 25);
    assertEq(instance2.value(), 30);

    // Check if the implementation address has changed
    assertFalse(implAddrV1 == implAddrV2);

Supported functionality of the Upgrades plugin

The plugin supports more functionality than what we used in the two examples above. We provide an overview of the other functions in Upgrades below:

Initial Deployment Functions:

These functions are primarily used for the deployment of the initial versions of contracts and for setting up their proxy structures: – deployUUPSProxy(*string contractName, bytes initializerData, struct Options opts*): Deploys a UUPS proxy using the given contract as the implementation. – deployTransparentProxy(*string contractName, address initialOwner, bytes initializerData, struct Options opts*): Deploys a transparent proxy using the given contract as the implementation. – deployBeaconProxy(*address beacon, bytes data, struct Options opts*): Deploys a beacon proxy using the given beacon and call data. – deployBeacon(*string contractName, address initialOwner, struct Options opts*): Deploys an upgradeable beacon using the given contract as the implementation.

Validation and Implementation Functions:

These functions are used to ensure the compatibility and safety of implementations during upgrades: – validateImplementation(*string contractName, struct Options opts*): Validates an implementation contract, but does not deploy it. – deployImplementation(*string contractName, struct Options opts*): Validates and deploys an implementation contract, and returns its address. – validateUpgrade(*string contractName, struct Options opts*): Validates a new implementation contract in comparison with a reference contract, but does not deploy it. – prepareUpgrade(*string contractName, struct Options opts*): Validates a new implementation contract in comparison with a reference contract, deploys the new implementation contract and returns its address.

Upgrade Functions:

These functions are used for managing and implementing upgrades to already deployed contracts: – upgradeProxy(*address proxy, string contractName, bytes data, struct Options opts*): Upgrades a proxy to a new implementation contract. This function calls validateUpgrade() under the hood, so it will fail if the validation doesn’t succeed. If the user wishes to bypass some of the validations, this can be configured in the opts argument. – upgradeBeacon(*address beacon, string contractName, struct Options opts*): Upgrades a beacon to a new implementation contract.

Other Functions:

  • getAdminAddress(*address proxy*): Gets the admin address of a transparent proxy from its ERC1967 admin storage slot.

Deploying and Verifying on Sepolia Testnet

This section guides you through deploying ContractA, upgrading it to ContractB using a Transparent Proxy and verifying the contracts on Sepolia Explorer.

Step 1: Add Environment Variables

First, set up the necessary configurations for deployment to the testnet: – Create an .env file to store sensitive data. – Include the .env file in your .gitignore to prevent exposure of private keys or other sensitive information on version-controlled platforms like Github. – Populate the .env file with your specific data:


Configuration details: – SEPOLIA_RPC_URL: The RPC URL for connecting to the Sepolia network. – PRIVATE_KEY: Your private key, used for signing transactions. Make sure this wallet has Ether to pay the gas cost for deployment. – ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: Your Etherscan API key, needed for contract verification. – SENDER: The Ethereum address from which the deployment transactions will be initiated.

Step 2: Configure the foundry.toml file

Update the foundry.toml file to include settings for the Sepolia Testnet and Etherscan verification:

sepolia = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}" }

sepolia = "${SEPOLIA_RPC_URL}"

This configuration accomplishes two tasks: – Etherscan Configuration: Links the Etherscan API Key with the Sepolia network for post-deployment contract verification. – RPC Endpoints: Specifies the RPC URL for the Sepolia network.

Step 3: Scripting Deployment and Upgrade

Navigate to the script folder and open the Upgrades.s.sol file to insert the necessary code for deployment and upgrade tasks.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";

import {ContractA} from '../src/ContractA.sol';
import {ContractB} from '../src/ContractB.sol';

import {Upgrades} from "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";

contract UpgradesScript is Script {
      function setUp() public {}

    function run() public {
        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

        // Deploy `ContractA` as a transparent proxy using the Upgrades Plugin
        address transparentProxy = Upgrades.deployTransparentProxy(
            abi.encodeCall(ContractA.initialize, 10)


Behind the scenes, this will deploy the Proxy, the ProxyAdmin, and ContractA for us.

The deployTransparentProxy function takes 3 parameters: – contractName(string): Name of the contract for implementation, such as “MyContract.sol“, “MyContract.sol:MyContract“, or a relative artifact path. – initialOwner(address): Address set as the owner of the ProxyAdmin contract, which is deployed automatically with the proxy. – initializerData(bytes): Encoded call data for the initializer function to be executed during proxy creation; leave empty if no initialization is needed.

The function returns the address of the deployed proxy.

Executing the Script

Use the following command to deploy and verify the upgrade on the Sepolia network.

forge clean && forge script script/UpgradesScript.s.sol --rpc-url sepolia --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --sender $SENDER

This command cleans previous builds, executes the script, and verifies the contracts on Sepolia Explorer.

Upon execution, you should expect output indicating the successful deployment and verification of the contracts:

Total Paid: 0.00356888630073128 ETH (862220 gas * avg 4.139182924 gwei)
Start verification for (3) contracts
Start verifying contract `0x427186c574B5fA11cB9d796871861EF87c74Ad37` deployed on sepolia

Submitting verification for [src/ContractA.sol:ContractA] 0x427186c574B5fA11cB9d796871861EF87c74Ad37.
Submitted contract for verification:
        Response: `OK`
        GUID: `hf2dplvhjmjpj3nixun3kupamtsgmbacngfeygpm9p34mbzb3g`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Contract verification status:
Response: `OK`
Details: `Pass - Verified`
Contract successfully verified
Start verifying contract `0xbA58580452Bc758C9a044584F6CEa468e5569a13` deployed on sepolia

Submitting verification for [lib/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/proxy/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol:TransparentUpgradeableProxy] 0xbA58580452Bc758C9a044584F6CEa468e5569a13.
Submitted contract for verification:
        Response: `OK`
        GUID: `biaqcdgrhwjfu8d7b3n9jg6btmsjpktgd61rdx42n7ptttuvre`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Contract verification status:
Response: `OK`
Details: `Pass - Verified`
Contract successfully verified
Start verifying contract `0x8bB6A51C24ad9b6bA276c2bf0380e5E8Ce31E866` deployed on sepolia

Submitting verification for [lib/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/proxy/transparent/ProxyAdmin.sol:ProxyAdmin] 0x8bB6A51C24ad9b6bA276c2bf0380e5E8Ce31E866.
Submitted contract for verification:
        Response: `OK`
        GUID: `rfnvjnxa8j2rqxxgwtnx9if17rdlyky2nk9eixrmzjbp5pn4gy`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Already Verified`
Contract source code already verified
All (3) contracts were verified!

Transactions saved to: /Users/nest/rareskills/rareskills-foundry-upgrades/broadcast/UpgradesScript.s.sol/11155111/run-latest.json

Sensitive values saved to: /Users/nest/rareskills/rareskills-foundry-upgrades/cache/UpgradesScript.s.sol/11155111/run-latest.json

The deployTransparentProxy command executed during this script deployed ContractA and a Transparent Upgradeable Proxy along with a Proxy Admin Contract.

These transactions are viewable on Sepolia Explorer: – ContractA Deployment upgradeable Proxy Admin Contract

Upgrading the contract

Before upgrading to ContractB, we’ll validate the new implementation against the reference contract, ContractA, using the plugin’s validateUpgrade function.

Once the validation is confirmed, next we will proceed with the upgrade using upgradeProxy function. Please read the comments in the code below:

import {Options} from "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";

function run() public {
    uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

    // Specifying the address of the existing transparent proxy
    address transparentProxy = 'your-transparent-proxy-address';

     // Setting options for validating the upgrade
    Options memory opts;
    opts.referenceContract = "ContractA.sol";

    // Validating the compatibility of the upgrade
    Upgrades.validateUpgrade("ContractB.sol", opts);

    // Upgrading to ContractB and attempting to increase the value
    Upgrades.upgradeProxy(transparentProxy, "ContractB.sol", abi.encodeCall(ContractB.increaseValue, ()));

If the new contract implementation isn’t compatible with the reference contract, it throws the following error:

revert: Upgrade safety validation failed:

Again. Use the same script to deploy and upgrade ContractB and verify it on the Explorer.

Etherscan foundry upgrade transaction

The upgrade transaction can be seen here.

How OpenZeppelin Foundry Plugin Helps Against Upgrade Issues

This section lists the potential security issues that are specify to proxy upgrades and how the tool guards against them.

1. Immutable Variables

In Solidity, the immutable keyword allows variables to be permanently set during contract creation by embedding their values directly into the bytecode. This forces future deployments to use the exact same arguments for the constructor, so that future deployments have the same bytecode. Since this is hard to track, the plugin discourages the use of immutable variables.

To allow immutable variables in upgradeable contracts, developers may bypass this safety check using the @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow annotation, as shown below.

contract ImmutableVar {
    /// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow state-variable-immutable
    uint256 public immutable a;

    /// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
    constructor(uint256 _a) {
        a = _a;

This allows for the use of immutable variables but demands careful management to maintain deployment consistency.

2. Storage Layout

Maintaining a consistent storage layout is essential when updating smart contracts. Any changes in the order or type of state variables can lead to data corruption.

This means that if you have an initial contract that looks like this:

contract MyContract {
    uint256 private x;
    string private y;

Then you cannot change the type of a variable:

contract MyContract {
    string private x; // uint256 became a string
    string private y;

Or change the order in which they are declared:

contract MyContract {
    string private y; // x and y switched places
    uint256 private x;

If you need to introduce a new variable, make sure you always do so at the end:

contract MyContract {
    uint256 private x;
    string private y;
    bytes private z;

Using our ContractA and ContractB examples from the beginning of this article, suppose we had incorrectly inserted a storage variable into ContractB as follows:

Incorrectly inserted a storage variable at upgrade at ContractB

We would get the following error from the OpenZeppelin plugin (we are using the same test as the first example with the Transparent Upgradeable Proxy):

error from the OpenZeppelin plugin for incorrect storage variable

3. Validating __gap are used properly

As discussed in our article in Storage Namespaces, using the __gap variable is a strategy to prevent parent contracts from shifting the storage variables of child contracts when a new storage variable is inserted. To use the __gap variable properly, the size of the gap must be reduced when a new variable is inserted. In the following example, the dev inserted a new storage variable and forgot to reduce the size of the __gap:

Gap variable not reduced in  the storage NameSpaces

and the tool catches this:

Error from OpenZeppelin for Gap Variable not reduced

The OpenZeppelin tool does not enforce the use of __gap. Instead, if a gap variable is present, the tool checks that the upgrade respects how the __gap variable is intended to be used, i.e. maintaining storage variable alignment.

A more robust alternative to the __gap strategy is the use of Named Storage Layouts, as discussed in our tutorial on Storage Namespaces, and we provide an example of that in the next section.

4. Validating ERC-7201 is followed properly

Using our running example of ContractA and ContractB from the beginning, let’s alter the contract to use ERC-7201.

Note the following changes: – Instead of being a public variable, value is now a public function – The underlying storage for value has been moved inside the MyStorage struct – The setter functions must now interact with the MyStorage struct (note the struct is used for grouping the variables, it is never actually initialized).

Here is ContractA adjusted to follow ERC-7201:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";

contract ContractA is Initializable {

    /// @custom:storage-location
    struct MyStorage {
        uint256 value;

    // keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(keccak256("")) - 1)) & ~bytes32(uint256(0xff));
    bytes32 private constant MyStorageLocation = 0xd255ccbed1486709ef10c220c9b584c9ad5cacd00961bdfc2156c2c7f2e4fc00;

    function _getMyStorage() private pure returns (MyStorage storage $) {
        assembly {
            $.slot := MyStorageLocation

    function value() public view returns (uint256) {
        MyStorage storage $ = _getMyStorage();
        return $.value;

    function initialize(uint256 _setValue) public initializer {
        MyStorage storage $ = _getMyStorage();
        $.value = _setValue;

and ContractB:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";

/// @custom:oz-upgrades-from ContractA
contract ContractB is Initializable {

    /// @custom:storage-location
    struct MyStorage {
        uint256 value;

    // keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(keccak256("")) - 1)) & ~bytes32(uint256(0xff));
    bytes32 private constant MyStorageLocation = 0xd255ccbed1486709ef10c220c9b584c9ad5cacd00961bdfc2156c2c7f2e4fc00;

    function _getMyStorage() private pure returns (MyStorage storage $) {
        assembly {
            $.slot := MyStorageLocation

    function value() public view returns (uint256) {
        MyStorage storage $ = _getMyStorage();
        return $.value;

    function initialize(uint256 _setValue) public initializer {
        MyStorage storage $ = _getMyStorage();
        $.value = _setValue;

    function increaseValue() public {
        MyStorage storage $ = _getMyStorage();
        $.value += 10;

Let’s say we mess up the MyStorage struct in ContractB by inserting a variable into the struct somewhere other than at the end:

/// @custom:storage-location
struct MyStorage {
    uint256 badInsert; // this should not be here, it should be at the end
    uint256 value;

With that change, the tool will present the following error:

Error from OpenZeppelin for incorrect struct MyStorage

Another issue the tool will prevent is renaming the namespace slot. Suppose we change the annotation above the struct as follows:

/// @custom:storage-location
/// @custom:storage-location

We now get the following error:

OpenZeppelin Error for renaming  the namespace slot

Namespaces are not supposed to be removed between upgrades.

Failure to call parent initializers cannot be automatically caught

In the following example, both ContractA and ContractB inherit from Base. However, neither of them call the parent’s initializer, which is a bug. Since understanding if a function serves as an initializer requires a semantic interpretation, the tool cannot automatically catch this issue. The dev or auditor must manually check that all initializers are properly called (usually this sort of issue can easily be caught with unit tests if variables are initialized to a non-zero value).

The following code will not trigger any issues with the tool even though the __Base_init function is not called.

Invalid contract code to call parent initializers


The article detailed how to use the OpenZeppelin upgrade Foundry plugin, how the plugin can be used for unit tests and Foundry scripts, and how it simplifies the multistep process of deployment and upgrades. We showed how to set up the environment for deployment, and gave some examples of how the tool can automatically catch various mistakes.

Authorship and Acknowledgements

This article was written by Pari Tomar in collaboration with RareSkills.

We would like to thank Eric Lau from OpenZeppelin for his helpful comments on a draft of this article.

Originally Published August, 28, 2024

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